Free RPG Day 2023

Free RPG Day 2023 REDUX!

Due to Free RPG Day falling on Forest City Comicon this year, we have decided to host ours a little later. Saturday 5th August 2023 is Free RPG Day at The Game Chamber!

Join us for one of the awesome games below, grab your tickets now. tickets are $5, which will be returned to you as a $5 Gift Voucher on the day. Plus, Every player at a Free RPG table will also receive their choice of 2 promotional items from the Free RPG day pack!


Riddermound’ - Dragonbane

Matt Ward

Deep in the vast forests of the Misty Vale lies a burial site called the Riddermound. It is a feared place, haunted by the wight of a powerful knight in the dragon emperor's service - but the barrow wight is also said to be watching over hidden treasures…
Dragonbane is a classic fantasy tabletop roleplaying game full of magic, mystery, and adventure. It is designed from the ground up to facilitate fast and furious play, with very little prep time and adventures that are a breeze to run. Dragonbane is a game with room for laughs at the table, while still offering brutal challenges for the adventurers.
Fifth Edition Dungeons & Dragons
Sean Gicopoulos
Dungeons and Dragons is an immersive role-playing game where players create their own characters and go on epic quests through a fantastical world filled with magic and adventure. Players roll dice to determine the success of their actions and must work together to overcome obstacles and defeat fierce monsters. The game offers endless possibilities and encourages creativity and teamwork, creating an unforgettable experience that leaves players eager for the next adventure. More Information on this session soon.
'Last Flight Of The Sunset Knights' - D&D 5e
Kaidan Redgrave

A brave band of adventurers are asked to take up the defense of Castle Highspear by locating and riding a special breed of wyverns that are bonded to an ancient knightly order. Will the party fly into victorious battle and secure the legacy of the Sunset Knights? Or fall victim to the order's ultimate traitor?


‘You Meet In A Tavern’ - Classic D&D
Rob Broad

See where it all began with a game of classic D&D from the original Red Box! A selection of prewritten characters will be available to use, you all meet in a tavern, but where you’ll end up… who knows?


‘A Few Flowers More’ - Pathfinder 2e
Ben Leonard

A hero's work is never done! Especially when strange new plants start appearing in the woods--plants whose presence draws all manner of trespassers eager to take advantage of the sudden, mysterious bounty. But where are these plants coming from, and what sinister development in the heart of the forest does their arrival signify?